Dahkki(t) Ruuttula-Vasari Anne, Rauhala Joiku
Almmustuhtti Metsähallitus, Vantaa, 2012
Siidolohku 116 pp.
Eará giellaveršuvnnat

The stories in this book are based on real events. They open a door to the souls of the people of Pohjola, the heritage of the wilderness and the sea. When you next roam in Kuusamo, Rokua or Kalajoki, look around. Listen, smell, taste, observe and study. You will see that there is a tiny bit of the past hidden in everything – a piece of Pohjola in the old times.

Oulanka, Kiutaköngäs, Kitkajoki, Paanajärvi, Rokua, Kalajoki.