Dahkki(t) Kantola Etti
Almmustuhtti Metsähallitus, Vantaa, 2021
Siidolohku 6 s.
Eará giellaveršuvnnat

This is the fourth visitor survey conducted at Linnansaari National Park. The data was collected in February and September of 2021. Interviewers met visitors at all excursion harbours with service structures. A total of 943 responses were received.

More than 90 per cent of the respondents are from Finland. 78 per cent arrived from outside the local area and surrounding municipalities of the national park and 13 per cent from nearby regions. Nine per cent of the respondents were foreigners, which represents a clear decrease from the previous year. This is at least partly attributable to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism. On the other hand, the impact of the pandemic is also reflected in the number of Finnish hikers. The percentage of first-time visitors rose to 62 per cent. An increasing number of respondents arrived at Linnansaari as part of a longer trip. Day visits overtook overnight stays as the most popular way of visiting the park.

The single most popular site visited is the Sammakkoniemi campsite. More than half of all visitors take the nature trail, and other destinations on the main island are also very popular. A majority of the respondents took part in walking, hiking and picnicking, taking in the scenery, observing and otherwise enjoying nature. Boating and paddling were also included among the most important activities.

On a scale of 1-5, visitors rated their satisfaction with the park 4.18, which is good. The satisfaction index is further increased by a minimum of disruptive factors, meeting expectations on average and satisfaction with the environment. The index is calculated based on the ratings given to the park services.

Of the park visitor groups, Finnish tourists account for the biggest impacts on the local economy. Their average spending in the park and surrounding area is 87 euros. Correspondingly, the average spending of foreign tourists is 71 euros. The average spending of local visitors is 22 euros. Measured in terms of money, the total impact of visitors by number of visits in 2020 is EUR 2.8 million. This is equal to 23 person-years in total employment impact. The biggest impacts on the local economy are from visitor accommodations.