Metsähallitus annual and responsibility report 2023 – Coordinating a sustainable future
Metsähallitus’ turnover was EUR 435 million in 2023, while the company’s result was EUR 142 million. Year 2023 was profitable especially for Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd., and the high demand for and lucrative price of timber are reflected in Metsähallitus’ result. The uncertain economic situation impacted Metsähallitus Property Development’s site sales, in particular, but did not affect the extractive business.
Metsähallitus business units’ investments in securing biodiversity and other societal benefits grew to EUR 110 million, which is EUR 30 million more than in 2022. Metsähallitus transferred EUR 120 million of its profits from 2022 as revenue to the State in 2023.
In 2023, 6.29 million cubic metres of timber were harvested in the state-owned forests. The planned cut is determined in regional natural resource plans together with stakeholders. Two such plans were completed in 2023: one for Central and Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu, and another for the marine area.
Safeguarding biodiversity is a key objective in everything Metsähallitus does. Last year, restoration and habitat management measures were carried out over 13,900 hectares of multiple-use forests and protected areas in total. Metsähallitus also restored streams, fish habitats and catchments.
In 2023, project development relating to onshore wind farms continued, and competitive tendering processes were launched for two new offshore wind power projects.
Outdoor activities, fishing and hunting continued to be highly popular. National parks and other Metsähallitus destinations were visited around 7 million times in total, and 0.6 million days were spent fishing and hunting.
In promoting responsibility, we did long-term and systematic work to meet sustainability requirements. We prepared for the future changes in sustainability regulation by preparing a responsibility roadmap and a dual materiality analysis. Under the responsibility program, we continued to develop, for example, risk management and procurement processes. Climate measures, strategic environmental goals, and restoration and nature management work progressed mainly in accordance with the goals.
The GRI standard has been used as the reference framework of the report. The information in the responsibility reporting has not been verified by an outside party, with the exception of the financial statements.

The Financial Statements include Metsähallitus’ separate annual report and financial statements for Parks & Wildlife Finland.