Nature knows no borders – Finnish-Russian twin parks
Largely untouched old-growth ancient forests and wilderness landscapes have been preserved on both sides of the Finnish – Russian border. Wildlife that has already become rare elsewhere is found in abundance in the area. These areas in the vicinity of the border are part of Europe’s Green Belt from the Arctic Ocean to the Mediterranean.
Nature knows no borders created by man. However, in close proximity to borders, nature has been better preserved from the changes brought about by people. The European Green Belt also includes many protected areas: 40 national parks and more than 3200 other protected areas.
For the visitor attracted to nature, the gems of the Green Belt have a lot to offer. This booklet introduces four twinned parks located in Finnish North Karelia, Kainuu and Kuusamo, and in Russian Karelia
- Oulanka and Paanajärvi National Parks
- Kalevala Park and Kalevala National Park
- Friendship Park and Kostomuksha Nature Reserve
- Koli National Park and Kivach Nature Reserve
Welcome to the Green Belt.

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