Boreal Peatland LIFE Project – Working for the Finnish Peatlands – Layman´s Report
Peatlands are a diverse natural environment with a distinctive and varied flora and fauna. Finland has major international responsibility for the maintenance of natural peatland habitats: it is one of the countries with most peatlands in the world.
Under the Boreal Peatland LIFE Project, peatland restoration was carried out in 51 protected areas from Hankoniemi to Central Lapland, over a total area of 4,700 hectares.
Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife Finland monitors the impacts of peatland restoration, such as the occurrence of peatland vegetation, water table fluctuations and water quality.
Not all people are yet aware of the diversity and values of peatlands. Therefore, during the Boreal Peatland LIFE Project, information about peatlands, their flora and fauna, protection and restoration was disseminated to people in various ways.